National Program FOR BOYS

Grades 5 – 7

The National Basic Section for Boys (5-7) has students from several nationalities: Jordanian, Palestinian, Iraqi, Tunisian, Syrian, American and British. The Section has one computer lab and 2 scientific laboratories: Physics and Biology Lab – Chemistry and Geology Lab. It also has a library containing important books for students and educational platforms including:

اقرأ بالعربية (I Read)

Hello Code


The (5-7) Section carries out varied activities to enrich the talents of students and discover it such as:  Drama and Painting, Sports activities like Football Leagues and Skills and Life and Cultural Skills.

Grades 8 – 12

The National Secondary Section for Boys (8-12) has students of several nationalities; Jordanian, Palestinian and Iraqi. The Section has one computer laboratory, and two scientific laboratories; One for Physics and Biology, and the other for Chemistry and Geology. The Section carries out various activities; Cultural, sports and guidance.

